About IIASS |
IIASS is now an internationally established journal with high rankings in COBISS (category 1C Z1 – verified by OSICD with 30 points), International Political Science Abstracts, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, CSA Sociological Abstracts, PAIS International. The main aim of this journal is to provide free quality peer reviewed indexed publication that brings ideas and researches together. Our network of partners and researchers is expanding and we welcome you to join us in this global effort. IIASS - Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences is a trusted academic journal published 3 times yearly (January, May, September) covering political, economic and educational aspects of social sciences. ISSN 1855-0541
IIASS -Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences is a trusted academic journal published 3 times yearly (January, May, September).
IIASS is an open access Journal under Attribution-NonCommercial CC BY-NC licence.
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